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Second exibition day at the 67th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting 2023Mon Feb 20 2023

Second exibition day at the 67th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting 2023 in San Diego. We’re greeting you with some image of the first two days and are looking to discuss your #AFMprobes needs for your applications wi#scanningprobemicroscopy
Dr. Daniel Guntli from NanoWorld is also attending the conference. Have you spotted him already?
Opening hours for the exhibtion today Monday, February 20 10:00 AM-5:00 PM

nanotools Mechanobiology of Living Fibroblasts and Breast Cancer Cells - news

Mechanobiology of Living Fibroblasts and Breast Cancer CellsThu Feb 02 2023

Discover how nanotools 15 µm long, conical biotool cell XXL custom-made with 50-300 nm radius and 11˚ tilt compensation was applied for nanomechanical characterization of sub-surface organelles.
  • Title: 3D nanomechanical mapping of subcellular and sub-nuclear structures of living cells by multi-harmonic AFM with long-tip microcantilevers
  • Authors: Efremov, Yuri M., Suter, Daniel M., Timashev, Peter S., Raman, Arvind
  • Publication: Scientific Reports
  • Publisher: Springer Nature
  • Date: Jan 11, 2022

nanotools Understanding the Nano-Indentation Deformation Behavior of Polycarbonate - news

Understanding the Nano-Indentation Deformation Behavior of PolycarbonateWed Dec 14 2022

Discover how nanotools biosphere™ with 20 nm radius are applied for imaging and nano-indentation of 2 mm thick polycarbonate samples.
  • Title: Molecular deformation mechanism of polycarbonate during nano-indentation: Molecular dynamics simulation and experimentation
  • Authors: Daiki Ikeshima, Kazunori Miyamoto, Akio Yonezu
  • Publication: Polymer
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Date: 31 May 2019

#AFM #metrology #topography #microscopy #nanotechnology #AFMProbes #spm #SPMProbes

NANOSENSORS Chemically characterizing the cortical cell nano-structure of human hair using atomic force microscopy integrated with infrared spectroscopy (AFM-IR) - news

Chemically characterizing the cortical cell nano-structure of human hair using atomic force microscopy integrated with infrared spectroscopy (AFM-IR)Thu Dec 08 2022

The structure of hair fibres has been the focus of much research over the last century with several techniques used to investigate their structure. *
The main constituent of hair fibres of relevance to their mass, volume and associated mechanical properties is the cortex. *
As the major constituent, and responsible for a significant proportion of the structural and mechanical properties of hair, quantitative characterization of the chemical and physical sub-structure of the cortex is important. *
In the article “Chemically characterizing the cortical cell nano-structure of human hair using atomic force microscopy integrated with infrared spectroscopy (AFM-IR)” A. P. Fellows, M. T. L. Casford and P. B. Davies describe how they used the hybrid technique of AFM-IR, combining atomic force microscopy with an IR laser, which circumvents the diffraction limit of light and achieves nanoscale chemical resolution down to the AFM tip radius. *
Their study extends the work of previous publications, focussing on chemical characterization of the internal sub-structures of hair cortical cells in order to gain insight into the differential constitution of the individual components. *
The atomic force microscopy integrated with infrared spectroscopy (AFM-IR) was employed on ultra-thin microtomed cross-sections of human hair fibres to spectrally distinguish and characterize the specific protein structures and environments within the nanoscale components of cortical cells. *
The resulting spectral analysis showed clear distinctions in the Amide bands in the macrofibrils and surrounding intermacrofibrillar matrix, yielding novel insight into the molecular structure and intermolecular stabilization interactions of the constituent proteins within each cortical component.*
NANOSENSORS™ gold coated AdvancedTEC ATEC-ContAu tip view AFM probes (typical force constant: 0.2 N/m, typical resonance frequency: 15 kHz) were used. *
Please have a look at the NANOSENSORS blog for the full citation and a direct link to the full article.

BudgetSensors CalvinQuate.jpg

Happy birthday Prof. Quate!Wed Dec 07 2022

Today we remember the late Prof. Calvin Quate, who, together with Gerd Binnig and Christoph Gerber, constructed the first Atomic Force Microscope in 1986. The three scientists received the Kavli Prize in 2016 in recognition of their invention.

Happy birthday Prof. Quate!

NanoWorld Happy Thanksgiving - news

Happy ThanksgivingThu Nov 24 2022

Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends in the USA and Canada! Enjoy the time with family and friends and don’t forget to visit us @NanoAndMore USA booth no. 311 @Materials_MRS MRS Fall 2022 after the holidays if you are planning to travel to Boston to participate in the conference. We’re looking forward to seeing you […]
