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MikroMasch® SelfAdjust-Air AFM cantilevers are specifically designed for Bruker`s ScanAsyst®** mode. The AFM cantilevers properties such as force constant and Q-factor are finely tuned so that the ScanAsyst®** self-optimization algorithm is optimally supported. Bruker’s PeakForce Tapping™** mode controls and minimizes the interaction forces so precisely that the typical SelfAdjust-Air AFM tip radius of only 2 nm and maximum 8nm (one of the sharpest AFM tips in the MikroMasch silicon product range) is maintained over an extremely long period of time.
SelfAdjust-Air AFM cantilevers are suitable for high-resolution imaging on both hard solid surfaces and biological samples, as well as for general measurements for all users looking for an easy-to-use AFM cantilever with an outstanding lifetime.
This AFM probe features alignment grooves on the back side of the holder chip.