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OMCL-TR800PSA Replacement AFM Probes
Olympus Corp. have decided to stop producing their well-known AFM probes, also known as Olympus*** Micro Cantilevers, which have been on the market for a very long time.
For detailed information on how the different types of our AFM probes compare to the Olympus AFM probes please read our Guide to OLYMPUS*** Replacement AFM Probes
Below is a list of AFM probes that can be used as replacements for the Olympus*** OMCL-TR800PSA silicon nitride AFM probes, also known as TR800PSA. These AFM probes featured square pyramidal silicon nitride AFM tips on two different silicon nitride AFM cantilevers with a gold reflective coating, the first one with nominal length 100µm, nominal resonance frequency 73kHz and nominal force constant 0.57N/m and the second one with nominal length 200µm, nominal resonance frequency 24kHz and nominal force constant 0.15N/m.
The NanoWorld® PNP-TR feature two triangular silicon nitride AFM cantilevers with similar dimensions to the TR800PSA, slightly lower stiffness and square pyramidal silicon nitride AFM tips. This model is also available as a tipless model – PNP-TR-TL.
The MikroMasch XNC12/Cr-Au BS offers two triangular silicon nitride AFM cantilevers and square pyramidal silicon nitride AFM tips. The force constants are somewhat lower compared to the TR800PSA.
The BudgetSensors SiNi is a cost-effective alternative with two triangular silicon nitride AFM cantilevers with lower stiffness than the TR800PSA. The silicon nitride AFM tips have a wedge shape.
For even more silicon nitride AFM probes please check the general AFM Probes Catalog category Silicon Nitride AFM Probes.

Tip Shape: Pyramid

Tip Shape: Pyramid

Tip Shape: Pyramid