By simply buying larger package sizes of MikroMasch AFM probes, you automatically get a built-in quantity discount compared to the smallest packaging size.
This is how it works: A package of 15 pcs. costs 460 USD. Compared to this price, a package of:
50 pcs. saves you 183.33 USD, a discount of 12.00%
AFM probes of the 35 series have three different tapping mode AFM cantilevers on one side of the holder chip. They can be used in various applications.
Cr-Au coating is formed as a 30 nm Au film with a 20 nm Cr sublayer, which is deposited for better adhesion of Au. The coating is formed on the back side of the AFM cantilever.
AFM Tip:
3 AFM Cantilevers:
Cantilever A
8.9 N/m
(2.7 - 24 N/m)*
205 kHz
(130 - 290 kHz)*
110 µm
(105 - 115 µm)*
35 µm
(32 - 38 µm)*
2 µm
( 1.5 - 2.5 µm)*
Cantilever B
16 N/m
(4.8 - 44 N/m)*
300 kHz
(185 - 430 kHz)*
90 µm
(85 - 95 µm)*
35 µm
(32 - 38 µm)*
2 µm
( 1.5 - 2.5 µm)*
Cantilever C
5.4 N/m
(1.7 - 14 N/m)*
150 kHz
(95 - 205 kHz)*
130 µm
(125 - 135 µm)*
35 µm
(32 - 38 µm)*
2 µm
( 1.5 - 2.5 µm)*
* typical range
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