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The PointProbe® Plus (PPP) combines high application versatility and compatibility with most commercial SPMs. The typical AFM tip radius of less than 7 nm and the minimized variation in AFM tip shape provide reproducible images and enhanced resolution.
NANOSENSORS™ PPP-RT-NCHR AFM probes are designed for non-contact mode or tapping mode AFM (also known as: attractive or dynamic mode). This AFM probe combines high operation stability with outstanding sensitivity and fast scanning ability.
For certain applications the rotated PointProbe® Plus AFM tip offers more symmetric imaging. The rotated AFM tip shape is identical to the classic AFM tip shape but it is rotated by 180° degrees with respect to the AFM cantilever beam direction.
The AFM probe offers unique features:
This AFM probe features alignment grooves on the back side of the holder chip.