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This colloidal probe combines the well-known NanoWorld® PNP-TR-TL-Au tipless AFM cantilevers with a spherical microparticle instead of a sharp AFM tip.
Pyrex-Nitride AFM probes feature two different soft AFM cantilevers made of silicon nitride and a holder chip made of Pyrex.
The Colloidal Probe Technique, in which single colloids are attached with polymer glue to AFM cantilevers for force measurements, offers possibilities for a better understanding of fundamental interactions in a variety of fields. Examples are adhesion phenomena, particle-surface interactions, mechanical properties, suspensions, hydrodynamics and boundary slip - to name just a few out of the increasing number of applications.
The colloidal probe offers the following features:
Only one AFM cantilever with sphere, please choose long (CP-PNPL-) or short (CP-PNPS-) AFM cantilever when ordering!
Due to the different microparticle masses the resonance frequency may be lower than the one specified for the base tipless AFM cantilever.
Please note that state-of-the-art synthesis of gold microparticles does not guarantee ideal surface smoothness and ideal spherical shape. Some nanoroughness and small shape deviations are an inevitable result of the nature of the synthesis process.
NB: Colloidal AFM probes based on PNP cantilevers have complex behavior that is strongly dependent on ambient temperature and humidity, often leading to cantilever bending and cantilever torsion. For this reason we strongly recommend using colloidal AFM probes on SD-qp-CONT-TL or SD-qp-SCONT-TL AFM cantilevers for all applications that require very soft cantilevers and/or operation in fluids. This product is manufactured to customer demand only. Therefore, we do not guarantee the integrity or functionality of PNP-based colloidal probes. Exchanges or returns are expressly excluded.