AFM Probes  »  
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HQ:NSC18/Al BS-15 Box of 15 AFM Probes
320.00 USD
HQ:NSC18/Al BS-50 Box of 50 AFM Probes
900.00 USD
Your volume discount is 166.67 USD or 15.60%
HQ:NSC18/Al BS-100 Box of 100 AFM Probes
1700.00 USD
Your volume discount is 433.33 USD or 20.30%
HQ:NSC18/Al BS-200 Box of 200 AFM Probes
3200.00 USD
Your volume discount is 1066.67 USD or 25.00%
HQ:NSC18/Al BS-400 Box of 400 AFM Probes
4990.00 USD
Your volume discount is 3543.33 USD or 41.50%
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Standard Force Modulation AFM Probe

Manufacturer: MikroMasch

Coating: Reflective Aluminum
AFM tip shape: Rotated
AFM Cantilever
F 75 kHz
C 2.8 N/m
L 225 µm
*nominal values
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AFM cantilevers of the 18 series are optimal for Lift mode operation AFM since they provide high stability in tapping mode as well as high sensitivity to magnetic and electric forces that may be weak. These AFM cantilevers are also used for mapping of materials properties in Force modulation mode and true topography imaging of the soft samples in Soft tapping mode.

This AFM probe features alignment grooves on the back side of the holder chip.

Back side Al coated. Coating thickness - 30 nm.
AFM Tip:

  • AFM Cantilever:
  • Beam
  • 2.8 N/m (1.2 - 5.5 N/m)*
  • 75 kHz (60 - 90 kHz)*
  • 225 µm (220 - 230 µm)*
  • 27.5 µm (24.5 - 30.5 µm)*
  • 3 µm ( 2.5 - 3.5 µm)*
  • * typical range